Submit Your AI Incident Research to IAAI!

Posted 2023-07-19 by Scott Cambo.

Answer the Questions: What happened and why?

Who: AI, human factors, safety, and ethics researchers

Where: Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI) at AAAI in Vancouver Canada

When: February 20-27th

Why: Building the safety culture surrounding artificial intelligence via impactful proceedings

Award: The Center for Advancing Safety of Machine Intelligence (CASMI) is sponsoring a US$1k best paper award that also comes with up to US$1k in additional travel support for presenting authors.

Recently, AIID had a great time hearing about all the excellent work that has been done with AI incident data at FAccT ‘23 in Chicago such as the work by Golpayegani et al. which presents a Vocabulary of AI Risks (VAIR) for representing and supporting AI risk assessments. Today, we are encouraging all of those doing research on AI harms and incidents to submit your work to the AI Incident Track of IAAI. This is a new short paper track which will be reviewed under different criteria than the other IAAI papers. Specifically, we are looking for research doing any of the following:

  • Analyze the development and deployment processes and artifacts in relation to harms realized in the real world for one or more AI incidents.
  • Analyze AI incident trends to understand where there are open problems in the deployment of AI systems
  • Detail best practices in producing and deploying systems to prevent or mitigate AI incidents…(Read More)

Mitigating harmful AI incidents requires that we not only understand the relevant technical factors, but also the sociotechnical context that affects the assumptions and decisions present at each stage of research, development, and deployment. We have coordinated with the conference chairs and colleagues at CASMI and the Digital Safety Research Institute to assemble a program committee of AI, human factors, safety, and ethics researchers to provide the authors with the multi-faceted feedback necessary to progress research on this complex and critical topic. 

All papers in this track must be between four (4) and six (6) pages long, including references, in the prescribed AAAI format. You should be able to find everything you need in the AAAI 2024 Author Kit. Papers of at most two (2) pages may also be submitted and considered exclusively for presentation as a poster. All accepted submissions will be added to the AI Incident Database for referenced AI Incidents.