User Story Spotlight: Subscriptions and eNewsletter

Posted 2023-01-06 by Janet Schwartz.

Each major feature of the AI Incident Database (AIID) is built as a series of incremental developments within the ‘Agile’ framework, whereby capabilities are grounded in user stories detailing the wins achieved by the feature. Read about our latest spotlighted user story feature.

If you are interested in the latest in AI incidents, you can now have new incidents delivered straight to your inbox. The AI Incident Database now has a subscription feature along with a monthly newsletter to make it even easier to keep up with the latest reports.

Sign up now for the eNewsletter by subscribing to major updates.

The eNewsletter is designed to answer the questions:

  • What emerging incidents occurred in the last month?
  • What reports updating older incidents were published in the last month?
  • What are all of the reports added to the AIID in the last month?

About the Subscriptions Design

In addition to creating a global list of indexed AI incidents, it is our goal to power insights for the AI risks and impacts community. Coming from this lens, we introduced subscriptions supporting three types of updates:

  1. Specific Incident

    1. What? Subscribe to an individual incident and receive updates when new reports come in.
    2. Why? You want to understand the facts and circumstances emerging for an incident.
    3. Who is this for? AI safety and fairness researchers and public relations professionals.
  2. Monitor Entity

    1. What? Subscribe to an entity and receive updates when new incidents are reported against it.
    2. Why? You want to know when a new risk is identified for a technology deployed by the entity so you can respond to it.
    3. Who is this for? Developers and deployers of AI systems as well as the public relations professionals related to the entities.
  3. Firehose

    1. What? Subscribe to the all new incidents sent immediately upon addition to the database.
    2. Why? You are closely tracking AI risks in general.
    3. Who is this for? People in the research and policy communities that want to characterize and prevent AI incident recurrence.

Users can manage these subscriptions by creating an account on the website.