Incident 135: UT Austin GRADE Algorithm Allegedly Reinforced Historical Inequalities

Description: The University of Texas at Austin's Department of Computer Science's assistive algorithm to assess PhD applicants "GRADE" raised concerns among faculty about worsening historical inequalities for marginalized candidates, prompting its suspension.


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Sean McGregor, Khoa Lam
Uni revealed it killed off its PhD-applicant screening AI – just as its inventors gave a lecture about the tech · 2020

A university announced it had ditched its machine-learning tool, used to filter thousands of PhD applications, right as the software's creators were giving a talk about the code and drawing public criticism.

The GRADE algorithm was develope…

The Death and Life of an Admissions Algorithm · 2020

U of Texas at Austin has stopped using a machine-learning system to evaluate applicants for its Ph.D. in computer science. Critics say the system exacerbates existing inequality in the field.

In 2013, the University of Texas at Austin’s com…


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