Incident 191: Korean Internet Portal Giant Naver Manipulated Shopping and Video Search Algorithms to Favor In-House Services

Description: The Korean Fair Trade Commission (FTC) imposed a 26.7B KRW on Naver for manipulating shopping and video search algorithms, favoring its own online shopping business to boost its market share.


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Alleged: Naver developed and deployed an AI system, which harmed Naver customers.

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Sean McGregor, Khoa Lam

Incident Reports

Naver fined for manipulating search algorithms · 2020

South Korea‘s antitrust regulator on Oct. 6 imposed a 26.7 billion won ($22.9 million) fine on Naver, accusing the company of manipulating search algorithms to favor its own online shopping business.

Naver, in response, said the company wil…

Naver fined W26.7 bil. for manipulating search algorithm · 2020

The Fair Trade Commission (FTC) announced Tuesday that it had fined Korean internet portal giant Naver 26.7 billion won ($23 million) for manipulating its shopping and video services search algorithms to place its own services on the top of…


A "variant" is an incident that shares the same causative factors, produces similar harms, and involves the same intelligent systems as a known AI incident. Rather than index variants as entirely separate incidents, we list variations of incidents under the first similar incident submitted to the database. Unlike other submission types to the incident database, variants are not required to have reporting in evidence external to the Incident Database. Learn more from the research paper.