Incident 36: Picture of Woman on Side of Bus Shamed for Jaywalking

Description: Facial recognition system in China mistakes celebrity's face on moving billboard for jaywalker


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Alleged: Ningbo traffic police developed and deployed an AI system, which harmed Dong Mingzhu.

Incident Stats

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Incident Date
Sean McGregor

CSETv1 Taxonomy Classifications

Taxonomy Details

Harm Distribution Basis


Sector of Deployment

law enforcement

GMF Taxonomy Classifications

Taxonomy Details

Known AI Goal

Face Recognition

Potential AI Technology

Face Detection, Ensemble Aggregation, Convolutional Neural Network

Potential AI Technical Failure

Context Misidentification, Data or Labelling Noise

CSETv0 Taxonomy Classifications

Taxonomy Details

Full Description

In November 2018, Dong Mingzhu, the chairwoman of China's biggest maker of air conditioners, Gree Electric Appliances, had her face displayed on a huge screen erected along a street in the port city of Ningbo that displays images of people caught jaywalking by surveillance cameras. The artificial software used by the traffic police erred in capturing Dong's image from an advertisement on the side of a moving bus.

Short Description

Facial recognition system in China mistakes celebrity's face on moving billboard for jaywalker



Harm Type


AI System Description

The facial recognition algorithm used by the traffic police in Ningbo, China to spot and shame jaywalkers

System Developer

Ningbo traffic police

Sector of Deployment

Public administration and defence

Relevant AI functions

Perception, Cognition, Action

AI Techniques

Facial recognition

AI Applications

Facial recognition


Ningbo, China

Named Entities

Dong Mingzhu, Gree Electric Appliances, Ningbo, China

Technology Purveyor

Ningbo traffic police

Beginning Date


Ending Date


Near Miss




Lives Lost


Data Inputs

photographs of people's facial features

Chinese AI traffic cam mistook a bus ad for a human and publicly shamed the CEO it depicted for jaywalking · 2018

Chinese AI traffic cam mistook a bus ad for a human and publicly shamed the CEO it depicted for jaywalking

China's war on jaywalking went to the next level last spring when AI-based facial recognition systems were integrated into some cross…

AI Mistakes Bus-Side Ad for Famous CEO, Charges Her With Jaywalking · 2018

Cities across China have debuted crime-fighting facial recognition technology to much fanfare over the past year. But some of these jaywalker-busting devices aren’t as impressive as they seem.

A facial recognition system in the city of Ning…

Chinese facial recognition system mistakes a face on a bus for a jaywalker · 2018

China’s facial recognition systems are used to catch all types of criminals, from thieves to jaywalkers, in real time. This week, one facial recognition camera publicly shamed a famous business woman for jaywalking after its systems caught …

Chinese facial recognition system catches jaywalker, turns out to be a bus · 2018

China hasn't been shy about using facial recognition tech to catch jaywalkers, and publicly shame them.

The technology aims to dissuade bad behaviour by recognising the offender's face, checking it with a database, then posting their inform…

Chinese facial recognition system confuses bus ad for jaywalker · 2018

Facepalm: China is well known for embracing facial recognition tech to catch lawbreakers, but these systems don’t always get it right. Earlier this week, one camera captured the image of a famous businesswoman and publicly shamed her, but s… · 2018

While China has moved ahead of the rest of the world in making facial recognition technology a part of people’s everyday life, there are systems in the country that need tweaking.

Making a compelling case for change is the recent experience…

Chinese facial recognition system confuses bus ad with a jaywalker · 2018

The police have since deleted the infraction and claim they've upgraded the facial recognition technology to "reduce the false recognition rate," although it's unclear just what they could have done to address this specific issue.

While com… · 2018

While China has moved ahead of the rest of the world in making facial recognition technology a part of people’s everyday life, there are systems in the country that need tweaking. Making a compelling case for change is the recent experience…

Facial recognition system mistakes bus ad for jaywalker · 2018


China is increasingly dependent on facial recognition systems to name and shame citizens who jaywalk, but it reportedly hit a snag this week.

A camera at an intersection in the eastern city of Ningbo named famous businesswoman Dong…

Facial recognition system accuses woman in bus ad of jaywalking · 2018

IF YOU RELY on facial recognition for aspects of your criminal justice system, you'd better hope it's reliable. So it may be reassuring to people concerned that China would use the technology to casually violate human rights that it's foole…

Facial recognition snares China’s air con queen Dong Mingzhu for jaywalking, but it’s not what it seems · 2018

The face of Dong Mingzhu, chairwoman of Shenzhen-listed Gree Electric Appliances, is splashed on a huge screen erected along a street in Ningbo, a city in the eastern coastal province of Zhejiang, to display the images of people caught jayw… · 2018

Chinese Face Recognition Mistakes Bus Ad For Jaywalker

China has been using gait recognition as well as face recognition to automate the ticketing of jaywalkers, much like cameras are used in the USA to ticket people who run red lights. How…

Chinese businesswoman accused of jaywalking after AI camera spots her face on an advert · 2018

Chinese police have admitted to wrongly shaming a famous businesswoman after a facial recognition system designed to catch jaywalkers mistook an advert on the side of a bus for her actual face.

Dong Mingzhu, president of Chian's biggest air…

Businesswoman in China caught ‘jaywalking’ because her face was on a bus · 2018

Chinese cities have widely deployed facial recognition systems on their streets to catch and fine jaywalkers, but sometimes they don’t work as planned.

At one intersection in the eastern city of Ningbo, the face of famous Chinese businesswo… · 2018

A system deployed by the Chinese government to identify jaywalkers, reportedly using real-time facial recognition, has mistakenly identified a celebrity as an offender after scanning her face from an advertisement on the side of a passing b…

AI snaps business titan jaywalking · 2018

AI facial recog – it's all about as terrifying as this hokey stock picture suggests (whose subject is not Dong Mingzhu).

#F_AI_L An Artificial Intelligence system in China publicly shamed one of the country’s most prominent business executi…

Traffic Cam In China Mistakes Bus Ad For Real Human Face · 2018

Traffic Cam In China Mistakes Bus Ad For Real Human Face

If you're caught jaywalking in China, your photo could be put on display as punishment. Just like a woman whose face was on a bus ad when it went by the camera. Police are fixing the …

Facial Recognition Flags Woman On Bus Ad For 'Jaywalking' In China · 2018

Photo: Getty

China’s surveillance system is becoming increasingly omnipresent, with an estimated 200 million cameras and counting. While this state of existence alone is unsettling, it’s even more troubling that the machines are fucking up … · 2018

Traffic Cam In China Mistakes Bus Ad For Real Human Face


Tuesday, November 27, 2018

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Chinese AI caught out by face in bus ad · 2018

Over-zealous AI systems in China have accused a woman pictured on the side of a bus of jaywalking.

The face of Dong Mingzhu, who heads China's biggest air-conditioner maker, was briefly shown on a billboard used to shame those who flout tra…

Chinese facial recognition flags bus ad woman for jaywalking · 2018

A woman has been flagged for jaywalking by facial recognition tech in a Chinese city, only she wasn’t even there.

The woman in question was Dong Mingzhu, Chairwoman of China’s biggest maker of air conditioners, Gree Electric Appliances.


China's AI Camera Mistakes CEO's Photo On Moving Bus For Real Person, Shames Her For Jaywalking · 2018

It's not a big deal to jaywalk in India. Eight times out of ten, no one will even notice. But if you jaywalk in China, you might have to face something extremely embarrassing. While China has moved ahead of the rest of the world making faci… · 2018

Artificial intelligence designed to shame jaywalkers in Ningbo, China, has backfired in recent days by misidentifying a woman in an advertisement on the side of a city bus as a jaywalking culprit.

Dong Mingzhu, who was in the ad and is head…

2018 in Review: 10 AI Failures · 2018

Last December Synced compiled its first “Artificial Intelligence Failures” recap of AI gaffes from the previous year. AI has achieved remarkable progress, and many scientists dream of creating the Master Algorithm proposed by Pedro Domingos…

Dong Mingzhu reelected as Gree head · 2019

Dong Mingzhu, president of Gree electronic appliances, during the 2018 APEC Conference on July 7, 2018. [Photo/VCG]

China home appliance queen Dong Mingzhu was confirmed to enter her seventh year as the chairwoman of of Gree Electric Applia…


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