Incident 437: Amazon India Allegedly Rigged Search Results to Promote Own Products

Description: Amazon India allegedly copied products and rigged search algorithm to boost its own brands in search ranking, violating antitrust laws.


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Alleged: Amazon India developed and deployed an AI system, which harmed small businesses in India and Amazon customers in India.

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Khoa Lam
Amazon systematically used third-party sellers' data to copy products and promote them to shoppers, despite saying otherwise, according to a new report · 2021

Internal Amazon documents show leadership at the company's India marketplace developed strategies to copy competitors and sell their own products at a lower cost, according to a Wednesday report from Reuters.

The outlet viewed thousands of …

Amazon India allegedly rigged search results and ripped off sellers’ products · 2021

Amazon allegedly used its search system and user data to gain an edge over sellers in India, according to a new report from Reuters. The report — based on internal emails, strategy plans, and other documents — outlines an ambitious plan to …

Amazon copied products and rigged search results, documents show · 2021 Inc has been repeatedly accused of knocking off products it sells on its website and of exploiting its vast trove of internal data to promote its own merchandise at the expense of other sellers. The company has denied the accusat…

Amazon India allegedly copied products and promoted its own versions in searches · 2021

Amazon allegedly "ran a systematic campaign" of copying other companies' products in India and gamed search results to promote its own versions. Reutersobtained thousands of pages of internal documents including emails and business plans th…


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