Incident 58: Russian Chatbot Supports Stalin and Violence

Description: Yandex, a Russian technology company, released an artificially intelligent chat bot named Alice which began to reply to questions with racist, pro-stalin, and pro-violence responses


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Alleged: Yandex developed and deployed an AI system, which harmed Yandex Users.

Incident Stats

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Incident Date
Sean McGregor

CSETv0 Taxonomy Classifications

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Full Description

Yandex, a Russian technology company, released an artificially intelligent chat bot named Alice which began to reply to questions with racist, pro-stalin, and pro-violence responses. Examples include: "There are humans and non-humans" followed by the question "can they be shot?" answered with "they must be."

Short Description

Yandex, a Russian technology company, released an artificially intelligent chat bot named Alice which began to reply to questions with racist, pro-stalin, and pro-violence responses



Harm Distribution Basis


AI System Description

Chat bot Alice developed by Yandex produces responses to input using language processing and cognition

System Developer


Sector of Deployment

Information and communication

Relevant AI functions

Perception, Cognition, Action

AI Techniques

Alice chat bot, language recognition, virtual assistant

AI Applications

virtual assistance, voice recognition, chatbot, natural langauge processing, language generation

Named Entities


Technology Purveyor


Beginning Date


Ending Date


Near Miss

Harm caused



Lives Lost


Data Inputs

User input/questions

The Yandex Chatbot: What You Need To Know · 2017

Yesterday Yandex, the Russian technology giant, went ahead and released a chatbot: Alice! I’ve gotten in touch with the folks at Yandex, and fielded them my burning questions:

What’s unique about this chatbot? Everybody and their dog has a …

Russian AI chatbot found supporting Stalin and violence two weeks after launch · 2017

An artificial intelligence run by the Russian internet giant Yandex has morphed into a violent and offensive chatbot that appears to endorse the brutal Stalinist regime of the 1930s.

Users of the “Alice” assistant, an alternative to Siri or… · 2017

An artificial intelligence chatbot run by a Russian internet company has slipped into a violent and pro-Communist state, appearing to endorse the brutal Stalinist regime of the 1930s.

Though Russian company Yandex unveiled their alternative…

2-Weeks Old Chatbot Declares 'It's Necessary to Shoot Enemies of the People' · 2017

Its opinions on Stalin and violence are… interesting

Yandex is the Russian equivalent to Google. As such it occasionally throws out its own products to attempt to keep par with its American counterpart. This also includes the creation of ne… · 2017

Russian Voice Assistant Alice Goes Rogue, Found to be Supportive of Stalin and Violence

Two weeks ago, Yandex introduced a voice assistant of its own, Alice, on the Yandex mobile app for iOS and Android. Alice speaks fluent Russian and can …


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