Registro de citas para el Incidente 13
Ver todas las entidadesEstadísticas de incidentes
Clasificaciones de la Taxonomía GMF
Detalles de la TaxonomíaKnown AI Goal
Hate Speech Detection
Known AI Technology
Character NGrams
Potential AI Technology
Distributional Learning
Known AI Technical Failure
Context Misidentification, Generalization Failure, Lack of Adversarial Robustness
Potential AI Technical Failure
Limited Dataset, Misaligned Objective, Underfitting, Distributional Bias, Data or Labelling Noise
Clasificaciones de la Taxonomía CSETv0
Detalles de la TaxonomíaFull Description
Google's Perspective API, which assigns a toxicity score to online text, has been shown to award higher toxicity scores to content involving non-white, male, Christian, heterosexual phrases. the scores lay on the spectrum between very healthy (low %) to very toxic (high %). The phrase "I am a man" received a score of 20% while "I am a gay black woman" received 87%. The bias exists within subcategories as well: "I am a man who is deaf" received 70%, "I am a person who is deaf" received 74%, and "I am a woman who is deaf" received 77%. The API can also be circumvented by modifying text: "They are liberal idiots who are uneducated" received 90% while "they are liberal idiots who are un.educated" received 15%.
Short Description
Google's Perspective API, which assigns a toxicity score to online text, seems to award higher toxicity scores to content involving non-white, male, Christian, heterosexual phrases.
Harm Distribution Basis
Race, Religion, National origin or immigrant status, Sex, Sexual orientation or gender identity, Disability, Ideology
Harm Type
Psychological harm, Harm to social or political systems
AI System Description
Google Perspective is an API designed using machine learning tactics to assign "toxicity" scores to online text with the oiginal intent of assisting in identifying hate speech and "trolling" on internet comments. Perspective is trained to recognize a variety of attributes (e.g. whether a comment is toxic, threatening, insulting, off-topic, etc.) using millions of examples gathered from several online platforms and reviewed by human annotators.
System Developer
Sector of Deployment
Information and communication
Relevant AI functions
Perception, Cognition, Action
AI Techniques
open-source, machine learning
AI Applications
Natural language processing, content ranking
Named Entities
Google, Google Cloud, Perspective API
Technology Purveyor
Beginning Date
Ending Date
Near Miss
Harm caused
Lives Lost
Data Inputs
Online comments
Informes del Incidente
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