Registro de citas para el Incidente 86
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Clasificaciones de la Taxonomía CSETv0
Detalles de la TaxonomíaFull Description
In fall 2020, Ireland’s Department of Education announced that two errors had been found in the algorithm used to calculate students’ Leaving Certificate exam grades. The exams, normally held in person, were replaced with an algorithmically generated score in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Due to errors in the calculation, more than 6,000 students received grades lower than they should have, while approximately 8,000 received higher marks. The Department of Education has announced that students whose grades were incorrectly inflated will not be denied admission to third-tier universities.
Short Description
In fall 2020, Ireland’s Department of Education announced that errors in the algorithm used to calculate students’ Leaving Certificate exam grades resulted in thousands of inaccurate scores.
Harm Type
Harm to social or political systems
AI System Description
Ireland's Department of Education and Skills algorithmic internal model for projecting student's final exam scores.
System Developer
Irish Department of Education and Skills
Sector of Deployment
Relevant AI functions
AI Techniques
machine learning
AI Applications
statistical projection
Named Entities
Irish Department of Education and Skills, Norma Foley
Technology Purveyor
Irish Department of Education and Skills
Beginning Date
Ending Date
Near Miss
Harm caused
Lives Lost
Data Inputs
student's class and exam grades
Informes del Incidente
Cronología de Informes

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Esta semana se supo que se descubrió un problema con el sistema de calificaciones calculadas del Leaving Certificate, lo que significa que se actualizarán los resultados de miles de estudiantes. ¿Pero qué pasó?
¿Qué es un algoritmo?
Es un c…
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En agosto, luego de la debacle del algoritmo de calificación en el Reino Unido, escribí una columna preguntándome si tal vez este desafortunado evento podría ser un punto de inflexión crítico para la confianza pública en el todopoderoso alg…
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