Registro de citas para el Incidente 88
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Clasificaciones de la Taxonomía CSETv0
Detalles de la TaxonomíaFull Description
In October 2020, Google images showed anti-semitic images of a portable oven when a user searches "Jewish baby stroller" due to anti-semitic online groups tagging these anti-semitic images with the tag "Jewish baby stroller." Google claims this is a result of 'voids of information' or the algorithm being unable to decipher the image and relying on the images' tags.
Short Description
In October 2020, results for "Jewish baby stroller" on Google Images showed anti-semitic images as a result of organized online targeting by anti-Semitic online groups.
Harm Distribution Basis
Harm Type
Psychological harm
AI System Description
The Google image algorithm uses image recognition and appended text or tags to classify images.
System Developer
Sector of Deployment
Information and communication
Relevant AI functions
Perception, Cognition, Action
AI Techniques
supervised learning, open source
AI Applications
image recognition, image classification, recommendation engine
Named Entities
Google Images, Google, raid
Technology Purveyor
Google, raid
Beginning Date
Ending Date
Near Miss
Harm caused
Deliberate or expected
Lives Lost
Data Inputs
images, tags, appended texts, user input
Informes del Incidente
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(JTA) — Los resultados de Google son impactantes: haga una búsqueda de imágenes de "cochecitos de bebé judíos" y verá fila tras fila de hornos portátiles, una alusión ofensiva a la Holocausto.
Google dice que está investigando los resultado…

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El movimiento antisemita ha ido en aumento coordinado por un grupo en línea llamado 'raid'. Operan manipulando los resultados del motor de búsqueda de imágenes de Google al adjuntar imágenes abusivas etiquetadas con palabras clave inocentes…
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