Journal des citations pour l'incident 64

Description: Heriot-Watt Univeristy in Scotland developed an artificially intelligent grocery store robot, Fabio, who provided unhelpful answers to customer's questions and "scared away" multiple customers, according to the grocery store Margiotta.


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Présumé : un système d'IA développé par Heriot-Watt University et mis en œuvre par Heriot-Watt University and Margiotta, endommagé Store Patrons.

Statistiques d'incidents

Nombre de rapports
Date de l'incident
Sean McGregor

Classifications de taxonomie CSETv1

Détails de la taxonomie

Harm Distribution Basis


Sector of Deployment

wholesale and retail trade

Classifications de taxonomie CSETv0

Détails de la taxonomie

Full Description

Heriot-Watt University in Scotland developed an artificially intelligent grocery store robot, Fabio, who provided unhelpful answers to customer's questions and "scared away" multiple customers, according to the grocery store Margiotta. When asked "Where is the beer?" Fabio replied, "in the alcohol section." When Fabio was tasked with handing out samples of sausages, only 2 customers per 15 minutes would engage the robot, while a human would engage an average of 12 customers per 15 minutes.

Short Description

Heriot-Watt Univeristy in Scotland developed an artificially intelligent grocery store robot, Fabio, who provided unhelpful answers to customer's questions and "scared away" multiple customers, according to the grocery store Margiotta.



AI System Description

Fabio, an artificially intelligent grocery store assistant intended to assist customers throughout their shopping experience

System Developer

Heriot-Watt University

Sector of Deployment

Wholesale and retail trade

Relevant AI functions

Perception, Cognition, Action

AI Techniques

language recognition, natural language processing

AI Applications

language processing, virtual assistant



Named Entities

Heriot-Watt University, Margiotta

Technology Purveyor

Heriot-Watt University

Near Miss




Lives Lost


Data Inputs

Customer requests

Un magasin engage un robot pour aider les clients, un robot se fait virer pour avoir effrayé les clients · 2018

Tous les quelques mois, il y a une histoire qui nous avertit que les robots prendront le contrôle de nos emplois d'ici cinq, 10 ou 20 ans. Vous n'obtenez pas beaucoup d'histoires sur des robots prenant en charge des emplois ici et maintenan…


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