Journal des citations pour l'incident 75

Description: The organizations SOS Racisme, Union of Jewish Students of France, Movement Against Racism and for Friendship Among Peoples are suing Google due to its autocomplete software suggesting "jewish" when the names of certain public figures were searched on the platform.


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Présumé : Un système d'IA développé et mis en œuvre par Google, endommagé Jewish people and Jewish public figures.

Statistiques d'incidents

Nombre de rapports
Date de l'incident
Sean McGregor, Khoa Lam

Classifications de taxonomie CSETv0

Détails de la taxonomie

Full Description

The organizations SOS Racisme, Union of Jewish Students of France, Movement Against Racism and for Friendship Among Peoples are suing Google due to its autocomplete software suggesting "jewish" when the names of certain public figures were searched on the platform. The suggestions, powered by Google Instant, are supposed to "reflect the diversity of content on the web" according to Google, and therefore have a narrow set of removal policies. The lawsuit claims "the creation of what is probably the biggest Jewish file in history" and notes an "ethnic file" is outlawed by French law.

Short Description

The organizations SOS Racisme, Union of Jewish Students of France, Movement Against Racism and for Friendship Among Peoples are suing Google due to its autocomplete software suggesting "jewish" when the names of certain public figures were searched on the platform.



Harm Distribution Basis


Harm Type

Harm to social or political systems

AI System Description

Google Instant software that provides suggestions as users enter information into the Google search bar

System Developer


Sector of Deployment

Information and communication

Relevant AI functions

Perception, Cognition, Action

AI Techniques

Google Instant

AI Applications

search suggestions

Named Entities

Google, SOS Racisme, Union of Jewish Students of France, Movement Against Racism and for Friendship Among Peoples

Technology Purveyor


Beginning Date


Ending Date


Near Miss




Lives Lost


Laws Implicated

French law against compilation of "ethnic files"

Data Inputs

user searches

Les résultats prétendument "antisémites" de Google Instant mènent à un procès en France · 2012

Un nouveau procès allègue que le moteur de recherche de Google a un problème d'antisémitisme.

L'organisation française de lutte contre les discriminations SOS Racisme, en association avec l'Union des étudiants juifs de France, le Mouvement …


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