Journal des citations pour l'incident 84

Description: Avaaz, an international advocacy group, released a review of Facebook's misinformation identifying software showing that the labeling process failed to label 42% of false information posts, most surrounding COVID-19 and the 2020 USA Presidential Election.


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Date de l'incident
Sean McGregor, Khoa Lam

Classifications de taxonomie CSETv1

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Harm Distribution Basis


Sector of Deployment

information and communication

Classifications de taxonomie CSETv0

Détails de la taxonomie

Full Description

Avaaz, an international advocacy group, released a review of Facebook's misinformation identifying software showing that the labeling process failed to label 42% of false information posts, most surrounding COVID-19 and the 2020 USA Presidential Election. Avaaz found that by adjusting the cropping or background of a post containing misinformation, the Facebook algorithm would fail to recognize it as misinformation, allowing it to be posted and shared without a cautionary label.

Short Description

Avaaz, an international advocacy group, released a review of Facebook's misinformation identifying software showing that the labeling process failed to label 42% of false information posts, most surrounding COVID-19 and the 2020 USA Presidential Election.



Harm Type

Harm to social or political systems

AI System Description

Facebook's algorithm and process used to place cautionary labels on posts that are decided to contain misinformation

System Developer


Sector of Deployment

Information and communication

Relevant AI functions

Perception, Cognition

AI Techniques

Language recognition, content filtering, image recognition

AI Applications

misinformation labeling, image recognition, image labeling



Named Entities

Facebook, Avaaz, Reuters, AP, PolitiFact

Technology Purveyor


Beginning Date


Ending Date


Near Miss




Lives Lost


Infrastructure Sectors


Data Inputs

User posts

De minuscules changements permettent aux fausses déclarations sur COVID-19, le vote d'échapper aux vérifications des faits sur Facebook · 2020

Quelque chose d'aussi simple que de changer la police d'un message ou de recadrer une image peut suffire à contourner les défenses de Facebook contre les canulars et les mensonges.

Une nouvelle analyse du groupe de défense international Ava…


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