Journal des citations pour l'incident 93
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Classifications de taxonomie CSETv0
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In March 2019, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) charged Facebook with violating the Fair Housing Act. HUD claims the platform’s ad-targeting options enabled advertisers to illegally restrict the housing options presented to marginalized groups. In a similar case brought by a group of civil rights groups, Facebook reached a settlement and agreed to several changes to their platform. Real estate sellers can no longer target ads by age, gender or zip code and Facebook created a housing portal that allows users to view all available house listings. HUD alleges that, despite these changes, Facebook’s AI and machine learning tools create proxy classifications that continue to enable advertisers to discriminate against protected groups.
Short Description
In March 2019 the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development charged Facebook with violating the Fair Housing Act by allowing real estate sellers to target advertisements in a discriminatory manner.
Harm Distribution Basis
Race, Age, Sex
Harm Type
Harm to civil liberties
AI System Description
Facebook's algorithms which provide user classifications to advertisers to enable ad targeting.
System Developer
Sector of Deployment
Arts, entertainment and recreation
Relevant AI functions
AI Techniques
machine learning
AI Applications
data analytics, classification
United States
Named Entities
Facebook, Department of Housing and Urban Development, HUD, National Fair Housing Alliance, Ben Carson, American Civil Liberties Union
Technology Purveyor
Beginning Date
Near Miss
Harm caused
Lives Lost
Laws Implicated
Fair Housing Act
Data Inputs
user Facebook activity, user social network data
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Le ministère du Logement et du Développement urbain (HUD) a accusé jeudi Facebook d'encourager et de permettre la discrimination en matière de logement par le biais de ses pratiques publicitaires ciblées.
HUD accuse Facebook d'avoir enfrein…

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Le gouvernement fédéral poursuit Facebook pour des allégations de discrimination en matière de logement sur la plateforme publicitaire du réseau social.
Le département américain du logement et du développement urbain a annoncé jeudi qu'il a…

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La semaine dernière, j'ai regardé un webinaire (coût supplémentaire) disponible sur le centre de formation en ligne de la NAFCU intitulé [Red Flags for Fair Lending](…

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Le ministère de la Justice a annoncé aujourd'hui qu'il avait obtenu un accord de règlement résolvant les allégations selon lesquelles Meta Platforms Inc., anciennement connue sous le nom de Facebook Inc., s'est livrée à des publicités discr…
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