Registro de citas para el Incidente 42
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Clasificaciones de la Taxonomía CSETv1
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Detalles de la TaxonomíaFull Description
Alvin Roth, a Ph.D at the University of Pittsburgh, describes the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) and suggests future changes that are needed in the algorithm used to match recently graduated medical students to their residency programs.
Short Description
Alvin Roth, a Ph.D at the University of Pittsburgh, describes the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) and suggests future changes that are needed in the algorithm used to match recently graduated medical students to their residency programs.
Harm Distribution Basis
Other:Medical doctors matching to residency
System Developer
National Resident Matching Program
Sector of Deployment
Human health and social work activities
United States
Named Entities
National Residential Matching Program, University of Pittsburgh, Alvin Roth
Technology Purveyor
National Residential Matching Program
Beginning Date
Ending Date
Near Miss
Lives Lost
Infrastructure Sectors
Healthcare and public health
Informes del Incidente
Cronología de Informes
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El Programa Nacional de Igualación de Residencia como Mercado Laboral
[Pulso: Comunicación]
Roth, Alvin E. PhD
Mellon Profesor de Economía, Departamento de Economía, Universidad de Pittsburgh.
Gráficos Tabla 1
Aunque los estudiantes de medi…

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