Registro de citas para el Incidente 63
Ver todas las entidadesEstadísticas de incidentes
Clasificaciones de la Taxonomía CSETv1
Detalles de la TaxonomíaHarm Distribution Basis
Sector of Deployment
Arts, entertainment and recreation, information and communication
Clasificaciones de la Taxonomía CSETv0
Detalles de la TaxonomíaFull Description
According to Android user Alex Harker, the Google Photos AI assistant created a strange hybrid of three photos he took on a ski trip. Two of the photos were of a forest landscape, while one photo was of Harker's friend. Google Photos created a stranged merged photo showing the friend's head half-merged behind the trees.
Short Description
Google Photos' AI Assistant created a strange hybrid photograph when merging three different pictures from a ski trip.
AI System Description
Facial recognition software used by Google Photo Assistant
System Developer
Sector of Deployment
Arts, entertainment and recreation
Relevant AI functions
Perception, Cognition
AI Techniques
Facial recognition
AI Applications
Facial recognition
Banff, Alberta
Named Entities
Google Photos, Assistant, Android, Alex Harker, Alberta
Technology Purveyor
Beginning Date
Ending Date
Near Miss
Lives Lost
Data Inputs
Informes del Incidente
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El intrépido Asistente de Google Photos solo quiere ayudar.
Como parte de la aplicación de fotos del fabricante de Android, ayuda a organizar las miles de fotos almacenadas en su teléfono. Puede crear pequeños álbumes de los lugares a los q…
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